Ways to support Frost Valley YMCA:

Frost Valley YMCA is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, and as such we rely on the support of our donor community to help provide financial assistance and to continue to advance our programs and services. For more information or to make a gift, please visit www.frostvalley.org/donate

Annual Giving

Today you can ensure that no child’s financial situation ever prevents them from having a memorable, life-changing summer. Your gift to Frost Valley YMCA will give a child access to the beauty and wonders of the natural world in a safe, nurturing environment. You’ll help a child who is bullied at school develop self-confidence through the caring encouragement of her new best friends.

Through your gift today, you’ll give a child the same opportunities every child deserves.

Please click here to make your gift to support our campership program today.

Consider becoming a monthly donor:

Members of Stewards of the Valley commit to giving a specific amount each month to support our goal to sustain, preserve and enhance Frost Valley YMCA and to ensure that no one is turned away from participating in our programs because of an inability to pay.

For more information, please visit our Stewards of the Valley site.


In addition to the endowment funds that support our campership program, we have the Friends of the Castle Endowment, which helps preserve the Forstmann Castle, a Frost Valley YMCA landmark, ensuring that it will be available to guests for years to come.

Neversink Society

Neversink Society members have confirmed their long-term commitment to the mission of Frost Valley YMCA by planning a gift bequest in their wills and estate planning to help children and families benefit from a Frost Valley experience for many years into the future.

If you would like to remember Frost Valley by joining the Neversink Society, contact your lawyer or financial advisor, or call our Development office at 845-985-2291 or email development@frostvalley.org for assistance.

Find information on New York State charities by calling the Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-771-7755 or visit www.CharitiesNYS.com.